
JPM honors UN work

PRESIDENT John Pombe Magufuli has urged the United Nations to continue its support in bringing political stability in Burundi and the DR Congo, whose people are flocking into neighbouring states, including Tanzania, for lack of security back home.
In his special message to the United Nations Secretary General, Mr Antonio Guterres, President Magufuli explained that the recent instability in the two countries had created an influx of refugees into Tanzania and its neighbours; but he reiterated that the region was committed to ensure political stability was restored.
Delivering President Magufuli’s message to Mr Guterres, Foreign Affairs and East African Co-operation Minister, Ambassador Augustine Mahiga said that as the chair of EAC, Tanzania believes that progress has been made in the mediation process in Burundi under the leadership of President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and facilitated by former Tanzania President Benjamin William Mkapa.
Mr Guterres met and held talks with Minister Mahiga at the Julius Nyerere International Airport on Wednesday night where he was on transit from Somalia and Kenya, where he had been on a working visit. Mr Mahiga also informed the UN chief that the upcoming EAC Summit would receive a progress report about the peace process.
With regards to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Minister Mahiga revealed that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) plans to include DRC political transition on its agenda, and that member states were working on positive results from its deliberations.
Tanzania is the current chair of the SADC organ of political, defence and security with mandate to support the achievement and maintenance of peace and security as well as the rule of law within the SADC region.
Upon receiving President Magufuli’s message, Mr Guterres praised Tanzania for its ability to uphold principles of good governance in the country as well as maintaining peace and creating a peaceful environment within the EAC and SADC regions.
Mr Guterres also commended the president’s efforts in the Burundi peace process, as well as his readiness to host refugees from Burundi, emphasizing the role played by regional communities in Africa in re solving leadership crises in African countries.
“The United Nations appreciates the work done by President Mkapa in Burundi under the EAC and its leadership. If the region comes together the way EAC has done in the case of Burundi, I am sure together they will be able to establish lasting solutions,” he remarked.
President Magufuli met Mr Guterres during the AU Summit in Addis Ababa earlier this year, where the two leaders exchanged cordial discussions about various issues concerning the region.
“President Magufuli instructed me to deliver his message to Mr Guterres … he has also extended an invitation to the Secretary General at an appropriate time to (come) for a working visit in the country,” Dr Mahiga said

Source: DAILY NEWS REPORTER      10 MARCH 2017

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