
A 64-year-old woman has given birth to twins

In Burgos, northern Spain a 64-year-old woman has successfully given birth to healthy twins - a boy and a girl six years after she had a daughter who had been taken by social worker, she was not able to raise her because of poverty.
The Recoletas Hospital delivered the twins by Caesarean section, the usual method in such rare cases.
They and the mother are reported to be in good health in hospital. The boy weighs 2.4kg (5.3 pounds) and the girl 2.2kg (4.8 pounds), the delivery went without complications.
In recent years, El Pais reports, two other Spanish women in their 60s have given birth to healthy babies.
In April 2016 an Indian woman in her 70s, Daljinder Kaur, gave birth to a healthy boy in India's Haryana state after fertility treatment.

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